7 Steps to Reset Waste Ink Counter on MP198, MP258, MP276, MP496, MP558, MP568, and MP648 Printer

1- Download Canon Printer Resetter Tool (Service Tool)

2- Put your Canon printer in Service Mode.

3- Now Run service_tool 1050.exe.

4- Confirm detected USB-port numbers on USB port column.

5- Click [Main button] on Clear ink counter section. Make sure there are papers in the paper feed because the printer will print after the process is complete.

6- Click [platen button] on the [Clear ink counter] section. The printer will print again.

7- Turn off the printer and then turn the printer on. You printer is ready for use.



  1. Anonymous said,

    broken English..

    on December 20, 2010 at 3:14 AM  

  2. Anonymous said,

    who care.

    on July 1, 2011 at 5:35 PM